Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Money is on my mind today.

"Money makes the world go-round"
"The love of money is the root of all evil"
"Money isn't everything"
"Money can't buy you love"

True? Some of it is true? One's perspective on money all depends on the shoes you're wearing. In my younger, more idealistic days I would have railed against the first quote. Wearing these older shoes I must sadly admit that is does indeed "make the world go-round". Nothing is possible without money, or access to money. Even for those attempting to live completely off the grid it takes money to get set up initially. Living off the grid still requires owning land and paying taxes eternally.

The root of all evil - This particular quote has to be one of the most misquoted quotes of all time. It's the love of money reputed to be the root of all evil. Most people misquote it as "money is..." Irregardless of the original quote itself is money the root of all evil? In days gone by when people bartered goods and entire communities banded together to help a neighbor in need money didn't hold the place of high honor it holds today. Money wasn't a priority. A person's skills and character were priorities. Perhaps, money truly is the root of all evil...

I've found through the years most people who say money isn't everything are in a position to not have to struggle through day to day life. They don't have to decide whether to pay the electric bill or buy groceries. They don't have to drive to work anxiously watching the gas gauge and hoping the gas in the car will make it until payday. No, money certainly isn't everything but when you don't have enough of it to make ends meet it can feel like it is the only thing that really matters.

What can money buy? True love can't be bought. However, relationships in which a true love does exist between two people are complicated and sometimes ended over financial difficulties. Relationships in which one party has much more financial security than the other can end when the financially secure partner becomes suspicious the other is only with them because of money. Money has bought the illusion of love for many people when someone is with another only because of money.

Love can't be purchased with money but money nevertheless has an effect on love.

Money, money, money...